All Butter Croissant
Category: Belongings
"After mastering cake baking, he began learning the ways of making multi-layered pastries. His first attempt was making All-Butter croissants, and now whenever you stay over at his you can be greeted with a fresh batch in the morning ready for gobbling."
- Obtainable as a possible drop from using Junior Baker in quests.
- Value: 4
Benji's Letter
Category: Belongings
"It appears that the skies around the Citadel are turning grey and purple once more, pulsing where the original statue once stood of our almighty ones. Most don't remember, others are ignorant, but surely it can not be a coincidence that the world was torn asunder at the Calamity around that point? The statue was erected by our own hands and not by those above and below, but it still has a significant meaning. Whilst it is made of mere stone, it is still something they can manipulate. Unless... Oh goodness, no. I won't let the alternative be. I must keep believing it was the doing of those above and below for the contrary is... terrifying..."
- Obtainable from the Message In a Bottle
- Value: 2
G'mas Hair Pin
Category: Belongings
"A hairpin in the shape of a knitting needle with a teabag wrapped around it. The label reads 'Earl Grey'."
- Obtainable from G'Ma's Surprise Box
- Value: 3
G'mas Teapot
Category: Belongings
"A ceramic replica of the teapot that G'Ma has on her countertop. Though hers seems to have a rather specific curled authenticity marking on the base, this one does not. "
- Obtainable from G'Ma's Surprise Box
- Value: 5
Macaron Junior
Category: Belongings
"A small, delicate Macaron in the shape of the star-baker himself! Junior saw how many people loved his little bakers outfit, and couldn't help but make some of these Macarons to share that love around. "
- Obtainable as a possible drop from using Junior Baker in quests.
- Value: 4
Maths Homework
Category: Belongings
"A pile of maths homework. Some like it, some hate it, and some refuse to do it!"
- Obtainable from Pigeon Day Boxes
Rainbow Layer Cake
Category: Belongings
"A beautiful rainbow cake, made by the in-house baker, Junior! He was inspired by these rainbow cakes during pride and now can be found making them whenever he gets the free time. Often The Gourmets favourite go-to cake during the holidays. "
- Obtainable as a possible drop from using Junior Baker in quests.
- Value: 4
Raspberry Danish
Category: Belongings
"A sweet and tart treat, Danishes were the second pastry type he wanted to master. His favourite was always raspberry crowns growing up, and so he sought to create those as well. A perfect treat for after a long day of baking. "
- Obtainable as a possible drop from using Junior Baker in quests.
- Value: 4
Sal's Letter
Category: Belongings
"Father. I know you're not gone. It doesn't matter what the letters say, it doesn't matter what the news says, I know you're not gone. I can stare at the tomb stone in Pandrea all I want, you went missing at sea and I know damn well that you are still out there. Sally may not, in fact, she has mourned you and moved on. I however know otherwise, and one day I'll prove it. But whilst you're alive, you're not coming back. I know your plan old man, and I will do anything I can to have you stay away. You told me when I was a wee lad that if I ever needed you to send an old message into the sea. I hope you find this for this is the only warning you'll get. May your soul rest on the bottom of the Sallasin where you become food for better things."
- Obtainable from the Message In a Bottle
- Value: 2
Serah's Letter
Category: Belongings
"Hey, Ma. It's me again. I know you'll never read this but writing these little notes to you and pretending you're under the waves able to read them gives me a little bit of hope that one day we will find you out there. Anyway, I have some strange news really. There are these things called Rifts where other people and beings can pass through into Solaria. A lot of them don't even know what Solaria is! A lot of them bring wonderful and beautiful creations with them, and some are just desperate to get back home again. It seems to us that whatever the Citadel had underneath it has torn through the ground? Or rather, that's what others say as we're not able to actually go and see it. In some ways, I hope you're not here to see it because knowing you, you'd want us to disappear from it all. I've met a load of new friends though! Even a sweet girl called Masie down by the old Job Board. You would have liked her a lot. She's a lot like you; strong-willed, kind, caring... but anyway. I'm running out of room to write, so hopefully, I can write again soon!"
-Obtainable from the Message In a Bottle
- Value: 2
Category: Belongings
"This space-string is a Mana Kit's best friend. They can play with them for hours, flying after them. Unlike most balls of string, space-string never unravels! Though it also doesn't understand gravity and always defies it."
- Obtainable as a possible drop from using Mana Kit in any quests.
- Value: 4
Category: Belongings
"A perfect couple, the Sun and a Sunflower. The Sun always rises every day to greet and spend time with the other, and the other always follows its rays of light for warmth and nourishment. It is said this sunflower is connected to the star in the centre of the solar system that Solaria follows, as no matter how far away you take it, even if you throw it through a rift or damage it, it will always find its way back to the star it is connected to, undamaged and perfect, protected by its light."
- Obtainable as a possible reward from opening any Corgi Day Box
- Value: 25