
"Green Spiced Applen Muffin" ???

Category: Personal

     Personal - Unique

"I... I thought it was here? Where could it be..?"

- Owned by Sheori - Given for spotting an amusing bug!

Adam's Apple

Category: Personal


Will be obtainable in 2023

B.F.F. Locket

Category: Personal


"A little locket to show your friendship with Joseph! Treasure this, for le will treasure your friendship forever."

- Obtainable from the "Friend Request" quest sometimes available at the Job Board
- Value: 5 

Blue Heart

Category: Personal

      Personal - Quest Collectable 

"A small, blue heart that has been chosen by someone who has gone through a Soulbinding."

- Obtainable from the 'Soulbound' quest found in Benji's Shrine
-  No Trade Value

Brand New Diary

Category: Personal


"A little diary given to you by Joseph to help you get things off your chest! Le even wrote a little motivational message on the first page; how cute!"

- Obtainable from the "Overcoming Anxiety" quest sometimes available at the Job Board
- Value: 5 

Bust of Sal

Category: Personal


"A wonderful golden-plated bust of Salim himself! It's said Sal has quite a few of these in his home to show off his wealth..."

- Obtainable from Sal's Sinister Surprise box
- Value: 7 

Careful Badge

Category: Personal


"A hoof-shaped badge, resembling the jade jewelry that Careful wore. Given to users who chose the Careful route of the quest 'Accusations' during Super Summer Slam 2022!"

- Obtainable from the Careful Route of the quest 'Accusations'  
- No Trade Value

Chaos Dice

Category: Personal

      Personal - Unique
Unique collectible for Free-Shade

"For being part of the finalists of April 2023's Community Day!"

- Unobtainable
- No Trade Value

Chaos Fragment

Category: Personal


Will be obtainable in 2023

Completed Inturos Key

Category: Personal


Coming 2023



Crestport Badge

Category: Personal


"A small, shield-shaped badge that depicts Crestport's famous palms inside! Given to users who chose the Crestport route of the quest 'Gathering The Pieces' during Super Summer Slam 2022!"

- Obtainable from the Crestport Route of the quest 'Gathering the Pieces' 
- No Trade Value

Decorator's Brush

Category: Personal

      Personal - Soulbound

"As a token of G'Ma's thanks, she has given you a paintbrush to help decorate all of Solaria this Hearthfire!"

- Obtainable from the 'Devious Decorations' quest in the Events Hub from the 1st-31st of October
- No trade value

Depleted Mythic Stone

Category: Personal


"A depleted Mythic stone. It has no use other than to look pretty as a paper weight."

- Obtainable from the 'Technical Advancement' quest in the Manahunters Guild
- Value: 5 

Doubt Badge

Category: Personal


"You didn't know if Sal was lying or being truthful, so you gave him the benefit of the doubt on the quest 'Uncovering Secrets' during Super Summer Slam 2022!"

- Obtainable from the Doubt Route of the quest 'Uncovering Secrets'
- No Trade Value

Dress Up Competition Participation Reward

Category: Personal

      Personal - Soulbound

"A reward to acknowledge that you have taken part in the Hearthfire Dress Up Competition. 2023!"

- Obtainable from your first entry in the 'Dress Up Competition' quest in the Events Hub from the 1st-31st of October
- No trade value

Fantastic Feathered Fluff

Category: Personal

      Personal - Unique
Unique collectible for Khaotically

"For being part of the finalists of April 2023's Community Day!"

- Unobtainable
- No Trade Value

First Place Dress Up Trophy

Category: Personal

      Personal - Soulbound

"A reward given to the first-place winners of the new annual Dress Up Competition 2023!"

- Obtainable from the quest 'Dress Up Competition'
- No trade value

Friendship Tag

Category: Personal

      Personal - Unique
Unique collectible for BullHighlander

"To hand something over to Gus is a sign of true friendship, he will make a necklace out of anything you give to him!"

- Unobtainable
- No Trade Value

Galaxy In A Jar

Category: Personal


"A galaxy in a jar. No matter how hard you try, you cannot destroy this jar, nor open it. Strange."

- Obtainable as a possible reward from the Night's Day Box 
- Value: 25 

Green Heart

Category: Personal

      Personal - Quest Collectable 

"A small, Green heart that has been chosen by someone who has gone through a Soulbinding."

- Obtainable from the 'Soulbound' quest found in Benji's Shrine
-  No Trade Value

52 results found.