
A Cold Pint

Category: Food


"A nice non-alcoholic cold pint of beer. All the taste, none of the headache.

- Obtainable as a possible reward from the Lucky Clover Box
- Value: 15 

Blue Ice Pop

Category: Food

     Food - Soulbound

"A brilliant blue pop, a favourite of Deeks! You must be a cool dude if you are allowed one of these!"

- Obtainable from completing the quest "It's An Ice Pop Party!" 10 times.
- Value: 10 

Blue Iced Cookie

Category: Food


"A simple cookie made by Felicity for you to enjoy for your hard work!"

- Obtainable from the Box of Cookies
- Value: 5 

Cake of Deception

Category: Food

     Food - Soulbound

"Tales are told through the rift about this cake, with many not believing its existence. Maybe it's a perfectly made cake, maybe it's a sponge in disguise, either way, it looks delicious!"

- Obtainable from completing the quest "This Cake Is A Fake!" 10 times.
- Value: 10 

Cinnamon Roll

Category: Food


"A very tasty Cinnamon Roll, made with a hint of almond."

- Obtainable from Crafting

Green Ice Pop

Category: Food


"A beautifully green ice pop, perfect for lovers of mint!"

- Obtainable as a possible reward from using Deeks in quests.
- Value: 5 

Hot Chocolate with Nougat

Category: Food


"A deliciously scrummy hot chocolate that has hints of Almond and Honey throughout, just like the chocolate nougat that comes with it!"

- Obtainable as a possible reward from opening any Dev Day Box
- Value: 25 

Large Pancake Pile

Category: Food


"A large pile of pancakes! Perfect for the pancake lover in your life!"

- Obtainable from Pancake Day 2025 
- Value: 2 

Orange Ice Pop

Category: Food


"A wonderfully fragrant orange ice pop, perfect for citrus lovers!"

- Obtainable as a possible reward from using Deeks in quests.
- Value: 5 

Peach Iced Cookie

Category: Food


"A simple cookie made by Felicity for you to enjoy for your hard work! This one is made with peaches, a treat not native to Solaria."

- Obtainable from the Box of Cookies
- Value: 5 

Pink Ice Pop

Category: Food


"A wonderfully bright pink ice pop, perfect for a hot day!"

- Obtainable as a possible reward from using Deeks in quests.
- Value: 5 

Pumpkin Chef Muffin

Category: Food

      Personal - Soulbound

"As a token of G'Ma's thanks, she has made you a little Muffin in the shape of a pumpkin! It even has a little hat! Awwwwwwww."

- Obtainable from the 'Tricky Treats!' quest in the Events Hub from the 1st-31st of October
- No trade value

Purple Iced Cookie

Category: Food


"A simple cookie made by Felicity for you to enjoy for your hard work! This one is made with rapsberries!"

- Obtainable from the Box of Cookies
- Value: 5 

Rapsberry Tiramisu

Category: Food


"A favourite of Sal's, this special dish was made by the trader himself for you to enjoy. Don't worry, whilst the trader will always trick you out for any credits you may have through his various ways of haggling and manipulation, he certainly won't scam you out of enjoying this beautiful desert that is his mother, Adelia's, own special recipe. A reminder of his childhood, the various Rapsberry bushes that his mother would grow on the grounds of their house were always ripe and ready to enjoy in late spring. Even though his father, Leighton, would call them weeds, Adelia always said, "A thorny bush that bares unappealing fruit is often the sweetest." before smiling at Sal and whispering "And the deadliest, if not treated correctly."  It wouldn't be much later in life that Salim would realise that his mother would state this as a warning to Leighton on how he treats his son. Sal often wonders if Leighton has figured it out too, after all, he does believe he has grown quite the thorn in his father's side with each passing year..."

- Obtainable from Sal's Sinister Surprise box
- Value: 7 

Regular Pancake Pile

Category: Food


"A regular sized pile of Pancakes, perfect for Pancake Day!"

- Obtainable from Pancake Day 2025 
- Value: 2 

Solarian Iced Brew

Category: Food


" A smooth and refreshing fruity iced brew that is a staple in Solaria. Made with the blossoms of Applens during the springtime, this tea is perfect to drink whilst on a picnic or mixed in with Agar Agar and Applen slices to make a refreshingly floral dessert.

- Obtainable as a possible reward from opening a Cat Day Box.
- Value: 25 

Sunny Side Up

Category: Food


" A wonderfully fried egg served sunny side up with a deliciously runny yolk perfect for indulging at any time of the morning or for a simple snack. Perfect over some fried rice, a slice of thickly sliced bread, or on its own."

- Obtainable as a possible reward from opening a Sunny Day Box.
- Value: 25 

Suspicious Sponge Cake

Category: Food


"Apparently, this is a Sponge Cake. You don't want to think how literal that name is."

- Obtainable from the quest "This Cake Is A Fake!
- Value: 8 

Tater Tot

Category: Food


"A delicious Tater Tot, the younger sibling to the infamous Hash Brown! This small-yet-delicious food goes perfectly paired with some sourcream. Guaranteed to leave you wanting more!"

- Obtainable as a possible reward from opening a Potato Day box
- Value: 25 

Unicorn Cake

Category: Food


"A cake that features buttercream flowery swirls and fondant ears and horn! Apparently, this cake is loved by those beyond the rifts."

- Obtainable as a possible reward from the Unicorn Day Box
- Value: 25 

21 results found.