
A Letter Of Thanks

Category: Books


"It seems that a Lampyre had taken your 'sponge' cake after all! And they enjoyed it so much they left you this little thank-you note! How sweet!"

- Obtainable from using the Chocolate Lamberry Sponge Cake in quests.
- Value: 10 

Growing Pains

Category: Books


"It seems this book is locked for now. Come back later to read its story."

- Obtainable as a possible drop from using Mana Kit in any quests.
- Value: 4 

Of Beasts and Hunters

Category: Books


"It seems this book is locked for now. Come back later to read its story."

- Obtainable as a possible drop from using Mana Kit in any quests.
- Value: 4 

Sparks of Steel: A Memoir

Category: Books


"It seems this book is locked for now. Come back later to read its story."

- Obtainable as a possible drop from using Mana Kit in any quests.
- Value: 4 

4 results found.